Reopening of Little Rain Designs!

Hi there!

It has been forever since I last wrote a post and my apologies for that. As mentioned by Xin Yu in our last post, both of us were super busy with school. Just to update everyone, I have officially graduated with my Diploma Image  and am waiting for the start of University, in August. As for Xin Yu, she has completed her first year of university and is on break now! 😀

Today, I would like to share with everyone our exciting news… Image

We have decided to reopen our store Little Rain Designs!!! Image

We expanded to include apparels, accessories, bags and more. Our original nail polish jewellery is also for sale!

Feel free to take a look and see if anything catches your eye. We are currently in the midst of bringing in more stock, so stay tuned for that!

Thank you for your support & till next time,


On hiatus

Hey lovelies, you all finally hear from me!

It’s after much discussion with Bethanie that we decided to post an official note that we are going on an extended hiatus- which you may have guessed due to the lack of updates! ><

University and polytechnic life has been taking a toll on us so we really are unable to find the time to get up a blog post, much less paint our nails…and school really takes first priority, so I hope all of you will understand! D:

However, we will definitely pop back in during our school breaks to blog! Hopefully around May the posts will start coming in, so please stay tuned! ❤

(If you guys are interested in my personal life and what I’ve been doing in school + other non nail related things, you can follow me via my Instagram @__xinyu. Do drop me a message beforehand if you are doing so though!)

Till the next nail painting post,


Versatile Blogger Award

Hello everyone! We are soooo happy that our blog has been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Polished PR and The Polished Influenza !! 😀 We would just like to say thank you to everyone who has supported our blog. (even though we are still pretty new!) You guys keep us going and make us strive to be even better! x


Here are our 15 Nominees:

1) Craftynail

2) Be Happy and Buy Polish

3) Seize The Nail 

4) Brijit’s Digits

5) Ommorphia Beauty Bar

6) Cuteberry Nails

7) Eeeek! Nail Polish!

8) Dry, Dammit!


10) The Nail Squad

11) The Dalai Lama’s Nails

12) In The Gray Areas

13) My Nail Polish Online

14) Rebecca Likes Nails

15) Dressed Up Digits

These are the 7 interesting things about us:

 Xin Yu

  1. I used to be a nail-biter(I would bite the free edge of my nails), but today I’m proud to be a nail polish blogger! ^^
  2. I can purr.
  3. I don’t think I can survive without any meat in my diet. If I don’t consume meat at least once a day, I get huge cravings. MEEEAAATTT. :3 (Apologies to vegans/vegetarians!)
  4. I did science in secondary school, then switched to the arts stream in Junior College. I’m currently studying a degree in Design Communication at a university in Singapore.
  5. My nail polish collection has exploded these couple of months after I suddenly got into the nail world.
  6. Painting my nails helps to calm me down, and is a way of expressing art…on my nails. Of course, sometimes I take ages to think of a proper manicure!
  7. I have never learnt how to apply makeup.


  1. My favorite color is blue.
  2. I have two collections that I treasure the most: My nail polish and shoe collection ^_^
  3. I am currently pursuing a diploma in accountancy and I officially end in Feb!
  4. My dream career is to be a stylist.
  5. I need to purchase more polish but I always have trouble deciding what to get! I suppose this is the consequence of loving everything :/
  6. My go-to perfume currently is Victoria’s Secret Angel Gold! Anyone else loving it too?
  7. I dyed my hair a reddish purple with some red highlights and I am loving it! 😛

August blogging goals + what to expect…

Hey guys, so I start university today, and today’s my first day of orientation. I’ll be studying a degree in Graphic Communications at a local private arts institution. As Bethanie’s also studying her final year in polytechnic, you may ask what is going to become of this blog?

Never fear! I started this blog with the intention to make it a permanent one and possibly mark my mark in the blogosphere (: I’m still looking forward to the day where this blog is good enough to swatch for some polish brands, especially indie brands! ❤

So here are the August blogging goals.






  1. I’m hoping to post at least 3 posts a week. This will be spread out and I’ll probably schedule posts/blog at night when I’m free! I’ll definitely aim to make whatever I post the best, though I may post some nail fails if I have any. I’ll still be able to attend to comments when I’m on the go, so keep those lovely comments coming! (^▽^)
  2. I have swatches of a Glow in the Dark Polish coming up, as well as my review! Hint- it’s to do with a very popular polish and is a best seller.
  3. Nail of the Day. These posts may be shorter as the pictures can do the talking! (:
  4. I have a lovely early anniversary present from the bf, so hopefully I can swatch some Femme Fatale Cosmetics polishes for you guys. These swatches will be spread out over the months.
  5. If possible, I’ll incorporate some of my Born Pretty Store products which I have purchased into some NOTDs/manicures for you guys.
  6. I’ll also be experimenting with my signature hand poses and trying to have more standardisation with my photos!


xoxo, xinyu


Lacquered by Blue Vanilla is on STORENVY!

Hey guys, no nails for the OMD Challenge today! I forgot to do the last day’s mani so you can imagine I’m pretty bummed about it! Hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze in a mani before 5th August!

Anyways, we’re on storenvy, under the name of Little Rain Designs. (: Visit us here for all your nail polish jewellery needs, and spread the word! 😀



Currently we have a few collections up, and here’s a peek into the Ruby Queen Collection!



I’m currently working on a beach collection! No sneak peek photos as of now hehe!

I would really appreciate it if you’ll visit our shop and perhaps, place an order? (;

xoxo, xinyu

Liebster Award

Hey everyone! We’re proud to bring you this post today as…we’ve been Liebster-ed! ^^ Many thanks to the lovely Jennifer of Polished PR for remembering and nominating our little two month old blog. (: ♥ Also, apologies for getting the post up rather late!


How It Works:

  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who presented you with the award and link them in the post.
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Name 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers who you wish to nominate. The award is about spreading the word about up and coming blogs.
  • Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who presented you with the award and then ask your nominees 11 questions that they must answer.

ShabbyBlogsDividerE11 facts about us: 

  • 1 fact we both have in common: We absolutely dislike carrot juice…and a certain person we dislike is also nicknamed “carrot”…hmm.
  • 5 facts about Bethanie:

1. I have a Teenie Weenie obsession with shoes ❤ Well I would say, one can never have enough shoes!

2. I loveeeee watching American shows and my all time fav would be Pretty Little Liars (I am dying to find out who A is!)

3. I’ve always wanted a twin!

4. I’m a sagittarius 🙂

5. One of my fav quotes is Be Free, Dream Big 

  • 5 facts about Xin Yu:

1.. Hope this isn’t too morbid, but…I always have this temptation to run after FLUFFY pigeons and squish them. It’s my inner cat-self speaking.

2. I don’t watch much tv, but I’m really hooked onto the Beauty and the Geek series. Love it. (Am watching Season 3 of the Australian version)

3.. I meow to my family members and boyfriend. *waves paws at you*

4,. I am still very much a kid at heart, and enjoy those disney/pixar classics. Tangled, anyone? Also, somehow the morals in the stories are so much more impactful!

5. I was from the top triple science class in secondary school, but now I’m going to study a BA(Hons) in Graphic Communication, as I’ve pretty much decided that art is my life after taking A Level Art in Junior College. (:


Our Nominees: Okay this one is quite tough as we honestly don’t know many newbies! Hmm…

  1. For Lacquer of a Better Name: Jenni has lovely swatches and nail art! My favourite is probably still her Psychedelic Calico Color Kitty mani! ^^
  2. Nailmattic: Lovely swatches? Check! Cute nail art? Check!
  3. Ommorphia Beauty Bar : Okay, Eugenia’s blog has been around for awhile but you should definitely follow her cause of all the gorgeous swatches she posts! Be it nail art or makeup, I always enjoy reading her blog! ^^
  4. Nail Polish Galore: Kayla has a wide range of posts…from 3D bling nails(which bring out my inner fan girl over sparkles), to swatches and even helpful tips on gel polish application and removal. (:
  5. Nail Newbie: I honestly admire ladies with shorter nails and still being able to polish them and look good! Helen’s blog is one of them. (:
  6. 9 to 5 nails: Cute nail art and swatches…all in one place. (:
  7. Wonderful Wolf: I really love her designs! My favourites are her marine life nail art, you should really check it out if you aren’t following her. (:
  8. Kelsie’s Nail Files: Okay she has more than 200 followers but…oh my gosh her nail art + stamping is one which you need to check out! I love how she did the eiffel tower for her Paris manicure!
  9. Guilty As Charged: Love her nail art ideas!
  10. Paint Those Piggies!: Erin’s gorgeous swatches will make anyone want to bust out their wallets.
  11. Cuteberry: Chelsea has lovely nail art ideas and makes polishes to sell! How awesome is that! 

ShabbyBlogsDividerE Our 11 Questions For You:

1. What is the one thing you cannot live without? (outside of polish)

2. If there was a fire in your house and you could only save one polish, what would it be?

3. Why?

4. Would you select an outfit to match your manicure or would you match your manicure according to your outfit?

5. What do you see yourself doing in ten years time? (:

6. What is your to-go outfit for summer?

7. If you had the opportunity to create your dream polish, what would it be and why?

8. Which nail polish/manicure reflects your personality the best?

9. Why?

10. Who is your favorite artist/singer/band etc?

11. If you got to meet them, what would you say?


The Answers To My 11 Questions From Polished PR

(You’ll receive two separate answers from both of us (:)

  • Bethanie’s answers:

1. What are you most passionate about? Fashion!

2. What’s your favorite color?  Blue, hands down.

3. If there’s one thing you believe strongly in, it’s _____. my religion

4. If you could have one special power, what would it be? That would have to be Invisibility.

5. Why? You know that one moment you just wish you could disappear into the ground? Invisibility would come in handy then, don’t you think?

6. Where do you see yourself seven years from now? It could go two ways; I could be an accountant and living a monotonous life (well, in my opinion!) OR I could have finished studying fashion and possibly be a stylist!

  7. What’s the most unique thing about you? I am always laughing and I love to make people laugh 😀

8. Your favorite genre of music? I don’t have a favorite actually, I just listen to any song i like (in some cases LOVE) 🙂

9. If you could move anywhere in the world (regardless of $), where would you go? OMG its either Spain or USA! Hopefully this will come true one day! *fingers crossed*

10. What are you wearing, right now? 😉 ohh wouldn’t you like to know! 😛

11. I’m wearing a little black dress; What color(s) should I paint my nails? Cherry red. Classic.

  • Xin Yu’s answers:

1. What are you most passionate about? Art (:

2. What’s your favorite color? I don’t have a fixed colour, as it varies from blue to red, white and black… but I find that I am drawn to more clothes in the black colour design! 

3. If there’s one thing you believe strongly in, it’s _____. Happiness is who you make yourself to be.

4. If you could have one special power, what would it be? The powers of teleportation.

5. Why? I’ve always wanted Doraemon’s door, the one which you can just go anywhere…and having motion sickness makes traveling difficult, so teleportation would be awesome.

6. Where do you see yourself seven years from now? Hopefully studying my masters’ and having a good career so I can pay for my studies!

7. What’s the most unique thing about you? I can purr. (I haven’t met many people who can do it, so…)

8. Your favorite genre of music? I just listen to whatever I like, so it’s really a mix. (:

9. If you could move anywhere in the world (regardless of $), where would you go? OMG. Okay…I would want Australia cause of ALL THOSE INDIES…or Tokyo, Japan/Hokkaido cause of the scenery…but then Singapore is really the safest place so, I would stay here but move to Sentosa Cove or something. Hehe. Then I’ll travel the world with my loved ones.(:

10. What are you wearing, right now? 😉 Well, wouldn’t you like to make a guess? (;

11. I’m wearing a little black dress; What color(s) should I paint my nails? Something textured, like O.P.I Jinx, or in a lovely teal glitter/cherry red colour! 



Thanks again for nominating us for this award Jenn! And to our growing followers…thanks so much for sticking with us. (:

❤, xinyu and bethanie

☀Sunshine Award✩


Hey everyone! I write this post with much happiness. (: Our blog was nominated for the Sunshine Award by the lovely Gemma over at My Adventures in Nail Art. If you aren’t following her you should- her nail art is so detailed and simply amazing, I can’t even pick a favourite but it’s probably her nails from the Couture Nail Art Challenge as I really love seeing nail art inspired by fashion/designs… Thanks again Gemma! ❤

Okay the details of the Sunshine Award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Post the award logo on your blog
  • Share 7 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 5 or more other blogs that inspire you

As this blog is run by both Bethanie and Xin Yu, we decided to split the 7 facts! 3 facts is a combined interest, while the other four will be split respectively about ourselves. (:


7 facts about us:

1. We both met in secondary school and were in guitar ensemble, meaning we know how to play the guitar(although Beth is much better at strumming than I am!). We thus decided to form a band called Blue Vanilla, (the name was just a mish-mash of two things we like) which never really took off due to lack of time and recording. We decided to use that name for the polish blog instead! ^^ (P.S: We used WordPress as we were completely out of touch with blogspot. :P)

2. We were in an all-girls school for 10 years. Yup, ten. It’s a good and even fun experience, and no, does not make us more boy-crazy or anything!

3. We honestly detest hot weather, and living in Singapore where it’s summer all year round does not help! Our favourite seasons are spring and autumn…cool weather in general.

2 facts about Bethanie:

4. If I got the chance I would go bungee jumping. (It’s on my bucket list!) Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely petrified of heights but i still wanna do it cause YOLO! 😀

5. I love sapphire! ❤ I love it more than any other gemstones, even diamonds and thats saying alot cause come on, who doesn’t love them?!

2 facts about Xin Yu:

6. I love cats. FLUFFY cats. I’m an animal lover, but cats- they make me want to squeal and act like a…seven year old? “Come here you adorable furball! Let me just worship you and give you all the squeaky toys you want!” :3 Yup.

I’m not sure if I can be fully classified as a cat person as I do love huskies, corgis, pomeranians, Japanese spitz, Shiba Inus…almost everything under “Spitz” dog category*. Unfortunately I don’t own any pets now, but I plan to adopt when I’m married/working. (:

*when I googled, apparently there’s such a category, so forgive me if I’m wrong! 

7. I have a fear of heights, but if need be I will still go for those high obstacle courses and abseiling.


Our nominations for the Sunshine Award:

Will Paint Nails For Food: Meghan’s swatches are simply perfect and her nail art is amazingly precise! I love the ideas she comes up with.

Wondrously Polished: Lindsey’s nail art is among my favourites- her floral manis are beautiful.

CoewlessPolish Blog: Eva is one of the nail bloggers I started following when I began my adventure into the nail world. Her unique nail art(i.e.: ugly flamingo sweater, Hedwig nail art, tribal prints) are drool-worthy.

Did My Nails: I love Elizabeth for all her floral nails. I think she’s nailed down the perfect combination of polishes to create exquisite flower designs.

Cuteberry: Chelsea was actually one of our very first followers(thanks so much dear!) and I really love her various ideas for manis! To date, my favourite is still her 31 Day Challenge: Day 28 (Inspired by a Flag).

Peachy Polish: Valesha makes any polish look good on her nails! Cue her China Glaze Texture swatches…(which I wasn’t sold on) she makes them look perfect.


Honestly there were so many other bloggers we wanted to nominate, but that would be an ultra long list! Thanks again to Gemma for enjoying our blog- which is still considered new in the blogosphere! (:

♥, xinyu

More polish giveaways + some hints on next week’s posts!

Hey guys! It’s Sunday again! Time seems to fly by so quickly and make the weekends go by in a blur! ): For those of you dreading Mondays, here’s something for you. (:

First up, Jodi of Captivating Claws is having a lovely giveaway, with 3 O.P.I Mini Sets for 3 lucky winners. Up for grabs are the Couture De Minnie Set, Oz The Great and Powerful Set, and the Bond Girls Liquid Sand Set. Open worldwide and ends on 22nd June at 12 am EST.

Click through the link here for more details on entering!


Also, you would not want to miss the Great British Nail Bloggers Giveaway!! It’s so amazing and thanks to all the wonderful ladies who have contributed to this giveaway, so that this is what we all have a chance of getting!

  • 1st prize $100 gift certificate
  • 3 x 2nd prize of $50 gift certificate

Which can be used at any online nail e-tailer(Ninja Polish, Llarowe, Mei Mei’s Signatures, Overall Beauty).

Open internationally and runs till 8pm Friday 28th June. Click the link above for more details! ♥♥
Last of all, Yun of The Polish Hideout is having a Zoya Stunning and Irresistible Collection giveaway!
Open internationally and there are just 19 days left for you guys to enter! Click here for more details.
And for some hints on what you’ll see next week on the blog…
Hint #1 :
Hint #2:
Hint #3: 
Do leave your guesses in the comments! This is all for fun really. (:
Hopefully the random riddles/poems make some sense, I came up with them by myself! ^^
♥, xinyu

Pitter Patter by xy is now open!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to post something non-nail related… my shop is finally up and going… and yes I ship internationally. Do swing by to check it out, and perhaps support me too! ^^

More details at the link! Spread the word!~



If I receive a good response, definitely more and more collections will go up! ♥

xin yu (:

some more lacquer can’t hurt anyone…

*Purchased by Me

Hey everyone! It’s Sunday, time to properly relax before the dreaded Monday is upon us!

Anyone feeling like this?


For me, I’m more of a “so lazy can’t think” (of what to post today), but here we are with a short post today!


I’ve already posted about my nail related haul from the date with the bf yesterday on instagram. Before I show you the photo, the bf actually encouraged me to buy the polish- he is my to-ask person on whether I should really really really purchase something. He also occasionally sponsors my polish. Where else can you find a man like that who loves seeing “your pretty nails” and accompanying me to beauty stores(and not be bored)? Hehee. ♥

Cue the polish!



Purchased: butter LONDON Nail Foundation (finally found it in stock at Sephora, and snapped up the last bottle) -S$28

Catrice I’m Dynamite and Goldbusters (My very first Catrices, thanks to Susan @thesubtleshimmer, who let me know where to find this brand!) -S$5.90 each

models own ibiza mix (first time seeing MO in Singapore, of course I had to purchase something!) – S$9.90 (on sale)

Luxury Nail Jewelry from Daiso – S$2


I bought more glitter polishes this time round as I wanted to do jelly sandwiches. (:

I definitely do swatches of these soon, so do check back on the blog! Also, I smuggled this into the house haha! But I definitely think I’ll restrain much more on go on a no buy ban in June…let’s see whether I can achieve it with only buying nail stuff once!


Any models own polishes to recommend? 

♥, xinyu